
Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv) is a tool for creating Biosketches and Current and Pending Forms in the approved formats for National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF), the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), and Innovation for Health (IFH) grant submissions. By gathering and storing information from researcher-claimed data repositories on expertise, employment, education, and professional accomplishments, the need to enter information repeatedly is eliminated. SciENcv can also be linked to your Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) account to populate your SciENcv profiles. Additional information about ORCID can be found below.

 Using SciENcv

If you are a new user, it is recommended that you start with ORCID.

Once on the SciENcv website (, you will need to use third-party login credentials such as Google, eRA Commons, ORCID,,, etc. Using a third party’s process ensures that the highest industry standards for data security are used. Below are a few links for information on the use of ScieENcv. 

Please note the following:

  • SciENcv users own all data stored within the system. 
  • The user controls what is public and has complete control of the data and text used in the biosketch to highlight their scientific contributions.  
  • After October 22, 2023, the NSF will only accept biosketches and current and pending forms created using SciENcv. 
  • After May 25, 2025, the NIH will only accept biosketches created using SciENcv. 


The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID, aka ORCID iD) is a free, unique, persistent 16-digit identifier that automatically links an individual’s research, scholarship, and innovation activities to their profile. 


  • Reduces the time needed to manage data by bringing together all scholarly activity in one location
  • Reduces the negative consequences of name changes (name may change but ORCID number does not)
  • Distinguishes your work no matter how many people have your same (or similar) name.
  • Controls the visibility of data (user is in control)
  • Auto-populates SciENcv and Open Journal Systems(OJS).
  • Provides a mechanism for easily sharing biographical data