
Bradley University Announces the 13th President

James E. Shadid has been named Bradley University’s 13th president, the university’s Board of Trustees announced today. Read More

Master of Science in Accounting

This STEM-designated program is designed to support students seeking a certified public accounting (CPA) license. It provides students with a focus on quantitative methods used in the accounting profession. Students with these skills are in high demand and experience fast-growing careers. Graduates of the program work for nationally-recognized accounting firms such as Deloitte, PwC, EY and RSM, as well as Fortune 100 companies like Caterpillar, State Farm, Bank of America, John Deere and ADM. Regional accounting firms such as Baker Tilly, CLA and Sikich have also hired graduates from our MSA program.

Preparing You For Success

The MSA program is STEM-designated and provides you with the 150 credit hours required to earn the CPA license. The program builds on your undergraduate education and training to better prepare you for the accounting profession. You will gain experience managing data and turning it into recommendations to support action. With this degree, you will be a step closer to mid or upper-level management positions at your next organization.

Graduate Program Requirements

Required Courses - 24 hrs.

  • ATG 600: Professional Career Planning - 3 hrs.
  • ATG 601: Financial Accounting Research Application - 3 hrs.
  • ATG 657: Advanced Auditing - 3 hrs.
  • ATG 670: Advanced Data Analytics for Accounting - 3 hrs.
  • ATG 677: Tax Research - 3 hrs.
  • ATG 691: Financial Statement Analysis and Reporting - 3 hrs.
  • MIS 571: Business Analytics Software and Applications - 3 hrs.
  • MIS 573: Data Visualization for Business Analytics - 3 hrs.

Elective Courses - 6 hrs.

    MSA students need to complete six additional hours of graduate accounting courses, MBA courses or courses outside the college, subject to approval by the MSA Graduate Program Director. ATG 604 may not be taken to satisfy this elective requirement.

Other Requirements

    All MSA students must take a written comprehensive examination as part of ATG 698: Accounting Comprehensive Assessment - 0 hrs. This examination covers graduate work presented by students for the degree. The time, place and nature of the examination are part of ATG 698.

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International travel is a staple of the EMBA program.

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