
Bradley University Announces the 13th President

James E. Shadid has been named Bradley University’s 13th president, the university’s Board of Trustees announced today. Read More

Manufacturing Engineering Technology

The manufacturing engineering technology major prepares you with the knowledge and skills in developing and integrating the entire manufacturing systems from product design through after-sale service. MET takes a technical and business approach to solving manufacturing problems to increase quality, reduce cost and help maximize workers’ productivity. You will be well equipped by the project-based curriculum through utilizing state-of-the art laboratories that are equipped with traditional and advanced manufacturing processes and equipment.

Preparing You for Success

As a manufacturing engineering technology major, you develop the foundations of problem-solving skills, transforming designs and specifications into quality products, and improving production processes. With this degree, you will work in exciting high-tech environments, using computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing, robotics, sensors, and programmable logic controllers to enhance manufacturing processes and systems performance. Hands-on project-based courses introduce you to product and tool design, manufacturing materials properties and applications, manufacturing processes with state of the art equipment and concepts such as CNC machining centers, waterjet, EDM, injection molding, metrology, design for manufacturability and lean manufacturing.

By the time you graduate, your experiences may include:

  • Solving design problems with strong knowledge of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GDandT)and Design for Manufacturability
  • Integrating sensors and programmable logic controllers to enhance manufacturing process and system performance
  • Selecting and implementing new manufacturing processes with a systematic approach to materials selection, based on the products’ required properties.
  • Networking and professional development through student organizations and honor societies such as the Society of Manufacturing Engineers and the American Society for Materials
  • Conducting research projects, study abroad programs, co-op programs, internships and a semester-long senior design project

Making Your Mark

Manufacturing engineering technology majors are in high demand in engineering design and manufacturing operations. In recent years, almost all manufacturing engineering technology graduates started their professional jobs within six months of graduation. They’re working at companies such as Caterpillar, Ford, Aerotech, Butler International and John Deere.


Bradley's manufacturing engineering technology program is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET,

Major Requirements

Required Courses - 73 hrs.

  • IME 101: Introduction to Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering - 1 hr.
  • IME 103: Computer Aided Graphics - 2 hrs.
  • IME 110: Introduction to Computers and Computational Analysis - 3 hrs.
  • IMT 212: Tech Calculus I - 3 hrs.
  • IMT 214: Tech Calculus II - 3 hrs.
  • IMT 222: Statics - 3 hrs.
  • IMT 232: Physical Metallurgy - 3 hrs.
  • IMT 322: Dynamics - 3 hrs.
  • IMT 324: Strength of Materials - 4 hrs.
  • IME 301: Engineering Economy I - 3 hrs.
  • IME 302: Introduction to Quality Engineering – 3 hrs
  • IMT 332: Non-Metallic Materials - 3 hrs.
  • IME 333: Material Science Laboratory - 2 hrs.
  • IME 341: Introduction to Manufacturing Processes - 3 hrs.
  • IMT 342: Advanced Manufacturing Processes I - 3 hrs.
  • IMT 344: Advanced Manufacturing Processes II - 3 hrs.
  • IMT 346: Computer Aided Manufacturing and Automation I - 3 hrs.
  • IMT 362: Metrology and Instrumentation - 3 hrs.
  • IMT 366: Manufacturing Facilities Design - 3 hrs.
  • IME 386: Industrial and Managerial Engineering - 3 hrs.
  • IMT 392: Mechanical Component Design I - 3 hrs.
  • IME 395: Solid Modeling and Rapid Prototyping - 3 hrs.
  • IME 445: Computer Aided Manufacturing - 3 hrs.
  • IMT 446: Computer Aided Manufacturing and Automation II - 3 hrs.
  • IMT 498: Senior Industrial Project - 4 hrs.

Approved Technical Elective Courses (choose six) - 18 hrs.

  • At least 3 of the 6 technical elective courses must be taken from IME or IMT courses numbered 301 or above.
  • 2 of the 6 technical elective courses can be 300 and above level courses in the College of Business.
  • The remaining technical electives can be courses from the Departments in the College of Engineering and Technology numbered 301 or above.
    1 of the 6 technical elective courses can be selected from the following list:
    ATG 157, Chemistry 112 or above; Physics 108 or above; Math 223 or above. 

Total Hours - 124