
The Department of Theatre Arts offers scholarships, renewable for all four years of study. These awards are based on the faculty’s evaluation of a student’s talent, motivation, and potential for academic success and leadership in the department. Theatre Arts Scholarship students must maintain a 3.0 grade point average in all theatre courses and a 2.5 overall grade point average at Bradley. Scholarship Applicants in Theatre Arts, Theatre Performance, and Theatre Production must complete the following requirements:

An interview with the Theatre Arts faculty

One (1) personal letter about your aspirations, college goals, and the reasons for your interest in studying theatre at Bradley.

One (1) letter of recommendation written by a teacher or other person who knows your theatre work.

Interviews may be scheduled during a campus visit or digitally, via Zoom, Google Meet, FaceTime, etc. To schedule your interview, please contact Sara Gauwitz at or (309) 677-2660. Later requests can usually be honored, but scholarship funds are limited. Letters may be submitted to Please use the heading “Bradley Theatre Scholarship.”

Timetable and Scheduling

For optimal consideration, Scholarship and Concentration interviews and auditions should be completed and written materials received, by June 1 of the summer prior to Fall entry. Please contact us if you need to request additional time.