The Graduate School

About Us

The Graduate School at Bradley University targets areas of special strength for the offering of 34 different select graduate programs designed to prepare students for rewarding careers. The strength of Bradley’s graduate programs lies in the outstanding quality of its faculty, who mentor students in a genuine academic community. With a strong commitment to facilitating student learning, the faculty strives to advance knowledge relevant to society’s local, regional, and global needs.

Bradley University offers state-of-the-art facilities, a diverse cultural environment, and a beautiful campus. In this setting, graduate programs rapidly adapt to external forces that call for students to synthesize information and integrate knowledge as they prepare for careers in the twenty-first century—a century that promises continued technological change.

Professional Programs for Emerging Leaders

Each semester graduate students from a wide variety of institutions study in our on-site or online programs. The various post-baccalaureate programs consist of masters’ degrees, the doctor of physical therapy degree, the family nurse practitioner degree, the doctor of nursing practice degree, and graduate certificate programs. These graduate programs are intended to promote the professional development of graduate students by engaging them in research, creative production, workplace-oriented experiences, and theoretical studies. Emphasis is placed on developing leadership, technology, research, and teamwork skills through collaborations with nearly two hundred graduate faculty members, the University’s strategic partners, and other students.


The Graduate School of Bradley University will make available to individuals desiring post-baccalaureate studies a selection of rigorous, high-quality professional degrees and certificate programs that will enhance their professional skills and intellectual development. It will be recognized for the quality of the advanced study, research, and creative production produced by the students and faculty. Students completing programs of study shall be recognized at the local, state, and national levels for their excellence in research, creative production, professional service, or performance in the workplace.


The mission of The Graduate School, working with the graduate faculty, is to provide leadership and administrative assistance to the faculties of the colleges and departments of the university for the purpose of developing and maintaining high-quality professional post-baccalaureate programs. In accordance with the theme of Bradley’s post-baccalaureate programs, “Professional Programs for Emerging Leaders,” these programs are designed to prepare individuals for professional leadership, with advanced skills in analysis, communication, creative production, technology, and interpersonal relations. The programs meet the diverse needs of individuals by offering students the opportunity to work closely with faculty, in small classes, on a flexible schedule.

The Graduate School shall serve as an advocate before the university administration and the community in support of the students, faculties, departments, and colleges that are participants in the University’s post-baccalaureate programs. It shall provide for the welfare of the students and faculties by identifying the needs of these constituencies and pursuing avenues for meeting these needs.

Role of the Graduate School

The Graduate School serves as the administrative unit that provides guidance and leadership for initiating and maintaining post-baccalaureate programs of the highest quality. Its administrative roles include assisting departments offering these programs in the following ways:

  • recruiting and retaining students
  • maintaining student records
  • awarding financial aid, including assistantships
  • assisting in raising funds in support of the programs
  • approving membership to the Graduate Faculty
  • assuring uniformly high quality by establishing standards for all programs
  • acting as the administrator for interdisciplinary programs
  • approving students for graduation.

The Dean of the Graduate School, in conjunction with the Executive Committee of the Graduate Faculty, develops policies and procedures that guide all activities relating to post-baccalaureate education at Bradley. Another important role of the Graduate School is to act as an advocate before the university administration in support of departments and colleges offering graduate programs.

Chief among the various roles of the Graduate School is providing for the welfare of the graduate students and the members of the graduate faculty by identifying the needs of both of these constituencies. These needs are brought to light by seeking input through the Executive Committee of the Graduate Faculty, program coordinators, department chairs/directors, and the Graduate Student Advisory Committee. Once the needs are identified, the Dean of the Graduate School is charged with the responsibility of seeking a means to meeting these needs as expeditiously as possible.

Campus Visits

If you are considering graduate study and would like to tour the Bradley University campus, please contact the Graduate School office at (309) 677-2375 or Meanwhile, use our website to find directions, explore area restaurants & hotels and discover more about the Peoria area.

Contact the Graduate School

Visit 200 Bradley Hall
Call (309) 677-2375
E-mail Visit Online

This is the official catalog for the 2015-2016 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.