Economics and Finance (LAS)
FACULTY Professors Lewer (chair), Horvath, O'Brien; Sinha, Assistant Professors Corbett, Yencha, Ngwaba, Assistant Professor In-Residence Tong, Executive in Residence Funkhouser
The Department of Economics and Finance offers a major in Economics in both the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and in the Foster College of Business. Normally, individuals planning a career in government, politics, public policy, or the law should be in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Students interested in an economics major are urged to consult with a departmental advisor for a suggested course of study that will serve their career objectives.
The departmental requirements for the major are designed to provide the student with: (1) a knowledge of basic economic theory; (2) quantitative tools for dealing with economic variables; (3) more specialized understanding of particular areas of interest in economics; and (4) a broad background in the humanities, in the social sciences, and in the physical sciences.
Individuals planning to study for the Ph.D. in economics should take either a minor in mathematics or the following courses: MTH 121, MTH 122, MTH 207 and MTH 223. It is strongly advised that MTH 420 also be taken.
Students enrolling in the LAS Economics Major will meet all requirements by completing the following program.
Course Requirements:
- Economics 221 (or 100), and 222 - 6 hrs.
- Economics Colloquium for Juniors (300) - 1 hr.
- Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (332) - 3 hrs.
- Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory (333) - 3 hrs.
- Economics Colloquium for Seniors (400) - 1 hr.
- Senior Seminar (498, 499) - 4 hrs.
- Economics Electives - 9 hrs.
- Minimum of 27 semester hours in economics including at least 24 semester hours above the 100 level.
- MIS 173 Information Systems and Business Applications - 3 hrs.
- QM 262, 263, or equivalent - 6 hrs.
- Philosophy - 3 hrs.
- Mathematics (Calculus), MTH 121 or MTH 115 - 4 hrs.
- ATG 157 Accounting Principles - Financial - 3 hrs.
Majors must receive a grade of C or better in Economics 332, 333, and 499.
Economics Minor
The purpose of the minor in economics is to provide students with a coherent and guided study of economics as it relates to their special discipline or interests. Students must fulfill the following requirements:
- ECO 100 or 221, and 222.
- ECO 332 or 333 (with a grade of C or better).
- 6 hours of junior-senior level economics courses.
- 9 hours of the 15 hours must be taken at Bradley.
Students in an economics minor must consult with a departmental advisor at the time that the minor is declared to plan a course of study that will serve their objectives.
The economics curriculum is designed to (a) provide students from other disciplines an opportunity to broaden their understanding of the economic forces that shape societies; (b) provide an opportunity for in-depth study of economics for students planning careers in education, law, government service, business, and other careers in which a more specialized understanding of economics is desirable; and (c) allow students planning to engage in economics professionally to prepare for graduate work.
All economics courses offered by the Department of Economics and Finance are available for students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
This is the official catalog for the 2022-2023 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.