
Bradley University Announces the 13th President

James E. Shadid has been named Bradley University’s 13th president, the university’s Board of Trustees announced today. Read More

9 Best Things About Bradley Orientation

After you've committed to being #BradleyBound, your next step to life at Bradley is orientation! What a better way to get comfortable with campus, register for classes and meet new friends than to spend a few days at your future home on The Hilltop! Here's a review of all you have to look forward to at Bradley Orientation!

1. It's 2 1/2 days packed full of fun!

students at orientation

Sure, 2 1/2 days seems like a long time for orientation, but you'll learn so much more than the Bradley basics. It's the perfect amount of time to get acquainted with campus and meet some classmates!

2. You get your Bradley ID!

student with Bradley ID

Your Bradley ID will be your best friend for the next four years. Make sure to smile big and say "cheese!"

3. Orientation is a great way to meet friends (and maybe your roommate!)

students at orientation

During Orientation, you'll get to meet people from your same major or hometown, as well as people who have similar interests and hobbies. Step out of your comfort zones and say "hi" to the people around you at meals or during presentations. Who knows? You might just be saying "hi" to your future roommate or best friend!

4. The Student Aides are great resources!

student aides

Your guide through the adventure that is orientation will be one of Bradley's Student Aides! They're knowledgeable about all things Bradley related and want to help you be as successful as possible during your time on the Hilltop!

5. You'll get to know campus really well!

drone shot of Bradley campus

When you spend almost three whole days on campus, you'll get to know the ins and outs of the campus! Take some extra free time to walk around campus, maybe find the buildings where you'll be taking classes and explore Bradley's many buildings. Soon you'll know The Hilltop like the back of your hand!

6. You take placement exams in mathematics and foreign languages!

students studying

All Bradley students take an electronic math placement test to see which level of math classes are recommended for them. If you've taken classes in foreign languages, you'll be able to take a placement test to see what level of classes you should register for later on in your orientation schedule!

7. You get to register for your first semester of Bradley classes!

registering for classes at orientation

The first semester of freshman year will be here before you know it! One of the highlights of orientation is registering for your classes for the upcoming semester! While it may sound daunting to pick your classes, don't worry! Faculty members from your major and other academic departments are there to help pick classes and build a schedule that works for you!

8. You become familiar with lots of helpful campus offices and resources!

students with soccer ball

Bradley has a lot of offices on campus to help make your time at Bradley as smooth as possible. During Orientation you'll sit in on a variety of presentations. From offices like Student Support Services and the Academic Success Center, to Bradley Health Services and the Bradley Police Department, you're guaranteed to be a Bradley expert before you leave. Pro tip: Save any important numbers given during these important presentations in your phone for quick access!

9. It gets you super pumped for life at Bradley!


After spending almost three days at your future home, how could you NOT be excited for life at Bradley? Move-in day can't come soon enough!

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