Students Becoming the Teachers

Each year students are invited to the Student Scholarship Expo where they show off their academic projects to a mix of Bradley faculty, staff and community members. Participating students showcase their research and scholarship through short 5–10 minute presentations. These presentations cover every discipline with both undergraduate and graduate students demonstrating their knowledge to a panel of volunteer judges. Anyone can volunteer to be a judge and help these students progress their project presentations.

Judging is a great way to get in on the action and learn about academic accomplishments that are happening on campus and offer up some valuable feedback to students so they can identify areas of improvement for the next round of presentations.

The 2023 Expo featured 130 projects from nearly 300 students. The subject of these presentations ranged from analyzing construction materials to reviewing stress effects on health, but only 25 of these diverse projects received awards. You can view this year’s full list of winners, ties and honorable mentions here.

Bradley celebrates academic success in so many ways but the Student Scholarship Expo offers the unique opportunity to learn first-hand from students about their passion or focus of study. The event organizers and advisory board members seek new judges from all backgrounds every year. Keep your calendar marked for spring and join the next Student Scholarship Expo as volunteer judge!