Sexual Assault

Bradley University is a community of trust whose existence depends on strict adherence to the Standards of Conduct as found in the Bradley University Student Handbook.  Sexual assault is a violation of these standards, specifically #5.  If a person engages in sexual penetration without consent, by use of physical force, coercion or threat (actual or implied), the act is considered sexual assault.   A person who is asleep, unconscious, mentally incapacitated or physically helpless due to drug or alcohol consumption is considered unable to consent.

Sexual misconduct means any intentional or knowing touching or fondling by the victim or the accused, either directly or through clothing, of the sex organs, mouth, anus, or breast of the victim or the accused.  Sexual misconduct includes any sex crime including, but not limited to, sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, sexual coercion, and sexual exposure.

The University encourages all members of the University community to be aware of both the consequences of sexual assault and misconduct and the options available to survivors.  If your or a friend has been subjected to any form of sexual misconduct please use the following procedures:

  1. Get the person to a safe and secure environment.
  2. Preserve all physical evidence.  (This means refraining from washing, using the toilet, or changing clothing.)  A person may or may not choose to press charges, but preserving physical evidence will give them the option to do so later on.
  3. Seek medical treatment.
  4. Report the incident.  You have several options to do so:

             Title IX Coordinator *

                    Jocelyn Watkins (309) 677-2081


              Deputy Title IX Coordinator *

                    Crystal Elliott (309) 677-3223


              Executive Director of Student Support Services/Deputy Title IX Coordinator *

                     Anne Hollis (309) 677-3658


              Executive Director of Residential Living and Judicial *

                     Ryan Bair (309) 677-2697


              Bradley University Police (309) 677-2000

              Bradley Counseling Center (309) 677-2700 – confidential reporting

              Peoria Center for Prevention of Abuse (800) 559-7233 – confidential reporting

              EthicsPoint Reporting 1(877) 226-2407 – Anonymous reporting option


*When reporting the incident to Jocelyn Watkins, Crystal Elliot, Anne Hollis or Ryan Bair a student will be made aware of options for pursuing charges against the offender(s) through the criminal courts and the university disciplinary system. Filing a report does not obligate a person to continue with University disciplinary actions or legal proceedings. At the reporting party’s request, special provisions such as temporary alternate campus housing or no contact orders may be arranged during the period of investigation and adjudication. 

Additional resources may be found by downloading Reach Out – College edition.  It is a free app that is customized to Bradley specific policies, resources and contact information.  Click here for more information.

Additionally, you may download a copy of the “Student Guide on Sexual Misconduct” here

A student charged with sexual assault or misconduct may face disciplinary actions under the University Standards of Conduct and may be prosecuted under Illinois criminal statutes.  Even if the criminal justice authorities choose not to prosecute, the University can pursue disciplinary action. Both the accuser and the accused will be informed of the outcome of any University disciplinary proceeding brought alleging a sex offense.