Sample program plan information is provided for sample purposes only. Students should consult with their academic advisor about their individual plan for course registration and completion of program requirements.
First Year - Fall Semester | ||
BIO 111 | Introduction to Cell Biology | 3 hours |
CHM 100 | Fundamentals of General Chemistry | 3 hours |
CHM 101 | Fundamentals of General Chemistry Lab | 1 hour |
EHS 120 | The University Experience | 1 hour |
PSY 101 | Principles of Psychology | 1 hour |
BCC | Core Course | 3 hours |
Total | 14 hours |
First Year - Spring Semester | ||
MTH 111 | Elementary Statistics | 3 hours |
CHM 162 | Fundamentals of Organic and Biochemistry | 4 hours |
SOC 100 | The Sociological Perspective | 3 hour |
BCC | Core Course | 3 hours |
BCC | Core Course | 3 hours |
Total | 16 hours |
Sophomore - Fall Semester | ||
FCS 120 | Foundations in Public Health Education | 1 hour |
BIO 230 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I (Lecture) | 3 hours |
FCS 203 | School Health Promotion | 3 hours |
FCS 220 | Consumer Issues in Health Care | 3 hours |
NUR 263 | Introduction to Personal and Community Health | 3 hours |
BCC | Core Course | 3 hours |
Total | 16 hours |
Sophomore - Spring Semester | ||
FCS 100 | Family Dynamics | 3 hours |
FCS 221 | Introduction to Community and Public Health | 3 hours |
FCS 341 | Human Development Through the Lifespan | 3 hours |
BIO 232 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II (Lecture) | 3 hours |
BA/BS | Selected Minor Course | 3 hours |
Total | 15 hours |
Junior - Fall Semester | ||
FCS 310 | Community Program Planning | 3 hours |
FCS 320 | Public Health Intervention Strategies | 3 hours |
BIO 300 | Population, Resources and Environment | 3 hours |
PSY or SOC | Elective | 3 hours |
BA/BS | Selected Minor Course | 3 hours |
Total | 15 hours |
Junior - Spring Semester | ||
FCS 303 | Nutrition | 3 hours |
FCS 311 | Evaluation and Research Methods | 3 hours |
CHM 302 or NUR 391 | Medical Terminology | 1 hour |
PSY or SOC | Elective | 3 hours |
BA/BS | Selected Minor Course | 3 hours |
BCC | Core Course (MI) | 3 hours |
Total | 16 hours |
Senior - Fall Semester | ||
FCS 420 | Public Health Policy | 2 hours |
FCS 462 | Public Health Education Practicum I | 3 hours |
BA/BS | Elective | 3 hours |
BA/BS | Elective | 3 hours |
BA/BS | Elective | 2 hours |
BCC | Core Course | 3 hours |
BCC | Core Course | 3 hours |
Total | 16 hours |
Senior - Spring Semester | ||
FCS 421 | Public Health Education Seminar | 1 hour |
FCS 442 | Foundations of FCS | 6 hours |
FCS 464 | Leadership in Public Health Education | 3 hours |
BA/BS | Elective | 3 hours |
BA/BS | Elective | 3 hours |
BA/BS | Elective | 3 hours |
Total | 16 hours |
Total Hours: 123
FCS 100 - Family Dynamics
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Core Curr. SB
Examine relationships within family systems across the life span, and their reciprocal relationship with cultural and societal dynamics. Strengthen skills necessary for healthy relationships, including problem solving, communication, conflict resolution, decision-making, time- and stress management. Explore and integrate research and theories in family studies.
FCS 102 - Profession of Dietetics
(1 hour)
Gen. Ed.
An introduction to the profession of dietetics including history of the profession, career opportunities, role in a healthcare team, scope of practice, code of ethics, and professional associations. Prerequisite: Nutrition and Dietetics major or consent of instructor.
FCS 103 - Food Resource Management
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Application of concepts related to decision-making, planning and budgeting, and preparation of food. Prerequisite: FCS major or consent of instructor.
FCS 120 - Foundations in Public Health Education
(1 hour)
Gen. Ed.
Introduction to public health education including historical, philosophical, and ethical foundations, core concepts and values. Covers professional roles and responsibilities of public health educators. Prerequisite: Public Health Education major or instructor consent
FCS 131 - The Fashion Industry
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Exploration of the structure and scope of the fashion industry and related careers.
FCS 133 - Apparel Production
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Study of garment manufacturing and decision making involved in producing apparel. Includes laboratory.
FCS 170 - Introduction to the Hospitality Industry
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Introduction to the history, growth, and development of global tourism and the hospitality industry including the leadership, ownership, management, organization, and structure of hotels and food service operations, and the many diverse hospitality venues; professional associations; hospitality labor trends; promotional practices; and best practices in hospitality.
FCS 171 - Sanitation, Health, and Safety
(1 hour)
Gen. Ed.
Sanitation and safety principles and regulations as related to the hospitality industry including Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles and procedures, safety and security issues and procedures, and associated health issues related to sanitation and safety in the hospitality industry. Students must take an ANSI-CFP accredited food safety sanitation certification examination to receive credit.
FCS 173 - Lodging Operations
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Core Curr. EL
Discover and apply information about lodging operations, such as front office procedures, guest relations, reservations, selling strategies, handling guest inquiries, night audit functions, and computer applications.
FCS 202 - Food and Nutrition
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Core Curr. NS
An overview of the science of nutrition including macronutrients and micronutrients. Primarily focuses on the relationship between dietary intake and health. Examines current issues in human nutrition.
FCS 203 - School Health Promotion
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Concepts of promoting health of K-12 and college students. Emphasis on skills-based health education, components of coordinated school health, school wellness policies, and teaching strategies for meeting health needs of learners in group settings. Prerequisite:
FCS 204 - Family Programs Across the Life Span
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Exploration of local, state, and national level programs, services, and policies for families from a life span perspective. Prerequisite: FCS majors or consent of instructor
FCS 220 - Consumer Issues in Health Care
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Evaluating consumer health information and resources, including an overview of health care systems and health services across the life span. Cross listed as HS 220. Prerequisite: HS 110 or FCS major, and sophomore standing; or instructor consent.
FCS 221 - Introduction to Community and Public Health
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Overview of principles and concepts of community and public health including determinants of health, community health needs among diverse populations, and health agencies and organizations. Prerequisite:
FCS 231 - Pattern Making
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Principles of flat pattern method; pattern alteration; original pattern design; completed garment. Prerequisite: FCS 133 or consent of instructor.
FCS 233 - Consumer Textiles
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Consumer-oriented study of textiles emphasizing fibers, yarns, fabric constructions, and finishes. Prerequisite:
FCS 237 - Sustainability in the Apparel Industry
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Core Curr. GP GS
Environmental, economical, and ethical sustainability practices of the apparel industry from the raw material to disposal. Prerequisite:
FCS 270 - Special Event Planning
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Study of event planning, implementation, and evaluation.
FCS 271 - Food & World Cultures
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Core Curr. GP WC
This course is an exploration of a variety of foods and cultures that demonstrate the influences of demography, geography, history, social traditions, religious beliefs, and other environmental considerations on food, its preparation, service, and symbolism/meaning.
FCS 272 - Hospitality Facilities Management
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
A comprehensive introduction to hospitality-related facility services and establishment of departments, examination of the associated functions, and the interdependent relationship among departments. Facilities and property management concepts introduced. Prerequisite:
FCS 300 - Consumer Issues in America
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed. SF
Core Curr. SB
Personal finance, consumer credit, durable and non-durable goods and services, and consumer protection in the marketplace.
FCS 304 - Sports and Exercise Nutrition
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Design of approximate diets for exercise and sports to enhance utilization and maximize performance. An integrative, case study approach. Prerequisite: FCS 202, FCS 301 or FCS 303; junior standing.
FCS 305 - Experimental Foods
(1 hour)
Gen. Ed.
Scientific principles of food composition, preparation, and preservation. Prerequisite: FCS 103 or 104, FCS 171 or ANSI-CFP accredited Food Protection Manager Certification, and FCS 202.
FCS 310 - Community Program Planning
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Core Curr. WI
Assessing and prioritizing community health needs, principles of program planning including use of comprehensive planning models, development of goals and objectives, incorporating health behavior theory, and gaining community support. Prerequisite: Junior standing and FCS major; or instructor consent
FCS 311 - Evaluation and Research Methods
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Core Curr. EL
Methods of monitoring, evaluating, and assessing impact of health education programs, emphasis on selecting valid and reliable measures, use of statistics, and communicating outcomes to stakeholders. Prerequisite: FCS 310 and MTH 111; or consent of instructor
FCS 320 - Public Health Intervention Strategies
(2 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Methods including health communication, education, policy and advocacy, environmental change, and community services to promote and protect health. Prerequisite: FCS 203; or instructor consent
FCS 330 - Fashion Merchandising
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Merchandising: organization, operation, and interrelationship of major facets of textile and clothing industry. Prerequisite: FCS 131
FCS 331 - Fashion Merchandising Laboratory
(1 hour)
Gen. Ed.
Experimental work related to fashion merchandising. Prerequisite: FCS 131; concurrent enrollment in FCS 330.
FCS 333 - Apparel Product Development and Quality Assurance
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Examines the processes of apparel product development and quality assurance. Emphasis is placed on apparel design elements in relation to appearance, performance, quality, and cost. Prerequisite: FCS 233
FCS 334 - Visual Merchandising
(1 hour)
Gen. Ed.
The investigation and application of various areas and methods of merchandise presentation to maximize the salability of merchandise. Prerequisite: FCS 131 or consent of instructor
FCS 335 - Survey of Fashion Designers
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
A cultural and historical study of fashion and fashion designers from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor
FCS 336 - History of Fashion
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Survey of dress history from antiquity through the mid-nineteenth century; examines broad changes in Western dress and connections to culture, society, and technology.
FCS 337 - Clothing and Human Behavior
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Core Curr. WI
Interdisciplinary study of cultural, social, psychological, economic, and aesthetic relationship of clothing to today's society. Prerequisite:
FCS 340 - Parent Education
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Core Curr. WI
Examines how parents teach, guide, and influence children/adolescents across the lifespan. Principles of family life education with an emphasis on parent education programs. Prerequisite: FCS 100 or FCS 341 or equivalent, or consent of instructor
FCS 341 - Human Development Through the Lifespan
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Physical, cognitive, emotional and social growth and development throughout the human lifespan. Not open to students with credit in PSY 303 or PSY 350. Prerequisite:
FCS 342 - Child Development in the Family
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Normal growth and development of children from birth to young adulthood using a family systems perspective.
FCS 346 - FCS Resource Management
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Application of resource management concepts within a service learning project. Students perform needs assessment, program design, and evaluation relying on basic research methods. Prerequisite: FCS 100 and FCS major; or consent of instructor.
FCS 350 - Matters of Life and Death
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Core Curr. MI
How do you "prepare" for death? How do we make sense of death? What is a "good" death? How is death portrayed in art, media, and literature? Through an interdisciplinary examination of the process and meaning of death, dying, and grieving, students will be able to develop their own perspectives on life, death, and the afterlife. Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor
FCS 357 - Housing and Interior Design Concepts
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Basic concepts of housing and interior design; emphasis on historic periods and their relationship to contemporary housing and furnishings.
FCS 376 - Professional Development Seminar
(1 hour)
Gen. Ed.
Discussion-based exploration of employee empowerment, leadership in the workplace, and quality measurement in FCS organizations. Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor.
FCS 401 - Readings in Family and Consumer Sciences
(1-3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Individual readings in specialized areas of family and consumer sciences for qualified students, under faculty supervision. Prerequisite: consent of department chair.
FCS 402 - Problems in Family and Consumer Sciences
(1-3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Independent study in family and consumer sciences for qualified students, under faculty supervision. Prerequisite: consent of department chair.
FCS 403 - Supervised Research
(0-3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Independent student research in family and consumer sciences, under faculty supervision. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Prerequisite: FCS major, junior standing, and consent of department chair.
FCS 405 - Food Service Systems
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Exploration of food service systems concepts, organization of food service operations, menu planning, food production and procurement, quantitative evaluations of food service operations, and laboratory experiences. Prerequisite: FCS 103 or 104; FCS 171 or ANSI-CFP accredited Food Protection Manager Certification
FCS 408 - Management in Food Service
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Application of theories, principles, and functions of management to a food service system operation. Emphasis on qualitative and quantitative evaluation of operational, financial, sales, inventory, and procurement data. Prerequisite: FCS 405
FCS 410 - Human Metabolism
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Biochemistry of energy and nutrient utilization in relation to human biological functions, performance, disease prevention, and health. Prerequisite: BIO 232; CHM 116 or CHM 162; Grade of B or better in FCS 202 or FCS 303
FCS 411 - Medical Nutrition Therapy I
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Biochemical and physiological principles underlying dietary modification in the prevention and treatment of various conditions; diet design; nutrigenomics; pharmaceuticals; complementary and integrative therapies; emphasis on applications and case studies to foster critical thinking and problem-solving. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in FCS 410.
FCS 412 - Medical Nutrition Therapy II
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Biochemical and pathophysiological rationale, therapeutic dietary modifications for various disease conditions; nutrition support in malnutrition and hypermetabolic conditions; emphasis on evidence-based practice applications and case studies to foster critical thinking and problem-solving. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in FCS 411
FCS 420 - Public Health Policy
(2 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Core Curr. WI
Analysis of policies including laws, regulations, and decisions by government and other organizations influencing public health. Prerequisite: FCS 220 and 320; or instructor consent
FCS 421 - Public Health Education Seminar
(1 hour)
Gen. Ed.
Exploration of selected contemporary issues within the public health profession. Prerequisite: Senior standing and Public Health Education major; or instructor consent
FCS 433 - Issues and Trends in Apparel and Textiles
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered. Topic stated in current Schedule of Classes. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours credit. Prerequisite: FCS 130 or 233 or consent of instructor.
FCS 438 - Global Issues in Textiles and Apparel
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Evaluation of key issues facing textile and apparel business in global markets including economic, political, and professional implications; theoretical foundation of global sourcing. Prerequisite: Junior Standing
FCS 442 - Foundations of FCS
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Review of theoretical, philosophical, ethical, and historical foundations of FCS; includes analysis, critique, and discussion of FCS literature. Emphasizes the integrative and applied nature of the discipline. Prerequisite: FCS major and junior standing; or consent of instructor
FCS 450 - Play Therapy
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Play as a therapeutic intervention for children and families, including theories, techniques and strategies, and application of play therapy. Cross-listed with FCS 550. Prerequisite: ETE 210 or FCS 342, or equivalent
FCS 451 - Child Life Profession
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Capstone course to integrate coursework and fundamental skills needed by Child Life Specialists, including theoretical foundations of Child Life, helping children and families cope with the stress of a healthcare experience, scope of practice, the impact of illness on children and families, and therapeutic play interventions. Prerequisite: FCS 100 and ETE 210, FCS 342 or PSY 350
FCS 462 - Public Health Education Practicum I
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Field-oriented, supervised learning activities outside the college classroom, including a preplanned assessment of the experience. Course registration for the experience is required and a postevaluation with the instructor will be conducted. Prerequisite: Senior standing and public health education major; or consent of instructor
FCS 463 - Public Health Education Practicum II
(1-6 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Field-oriented, supervised learning activities outside the college classroom that including a preplanned assessment of the experience. Course registration for the experience is required and a postevaluation with the instructor will be conducted. Prerequisite: FCS 462 or consent of instructor
FCS 464 - Leadership in Public Health Education
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Emphasis on leadership, management, and administration in public health settings. Prerequisite: FCS 462 or consent of instructor
FCS 470 - Special Topics in Hospitality Business
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
This special topics course may vary each time it is offered. The course name will appear in the class schedule. Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor.
FCS 476 - Hospitality Seminar II
(1 hour)
Gen. Ed.
Study of leadership topics in the hospitality industry; students will also explore issues based on their personal interests and experiences to date. Prerequisite: Senior standing in HLP.
FCS 501 - Community Nutrition Intervention
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
This course aims to give students the skills to design and evaluate an evidence-based nutrition intervention program. Students will learn about behavior change theory, conducting a needs assessment, designing a program including intervention strategies, and evaluating a program's effectiveness. Prerequisite: Enrollment in MS in Nutrition and Dietetics Program or consent of instructor
FCS 502 - Foundations of Dietetic Practice
(1 hour)
Gen. Ed.
An orientation to the Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics program and an introduction to the profession of dietetics, as well as professional development for practice. Topics include the history of the profession, legal and ethical consideration, cultural humility, interdisciplinary healthcare teams, mentorship, and professional career development. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the MS program in Nutrition and Dietetics
FCS 505 - Food Development
(1 hour)
Gen. Ed.
Hands-on application of food science principles to modify foods to meet nutritional requirements. Prerequisite: FCS 305 or Enrollment in MS in Nutrition and Dietetics Program
FCS 507 - Nutrition Counseling and Assessment
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
This course will focus on motivational interviewing techniques. Nutritional assessment will be centered around the nutrition care process with an emphasis on nutrition focused physical examinations. Prerequisite: FCS 411 or FCS 511 or concurrent enrollment
FCS 508 - Advanced Food Service Management
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Advanced application of theories, principles, and functions of management to a food service system operation. Emphasis on advanced qualitative and quantitative evaluation of food service systems operations. Prerequisite: Enrollment in MS Nutrition and Dietetics Program or consent of instructor
FCS 510 - Topics in Global Wellness
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Designed to provide global cultural experiences that focus on nutrition and wellness. Emphasis is placed on the health and wellness systems of different cultures, including complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).
FCS 511 - Medical Nutrition Therapy I
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Biochemical and physiological principles underlying dietary modification in the prevention and treatment of various conditions with an emphasis on integrated supervised experiential learning activities. Prerequisite: Admission into MS program in Nutrition and Dietetics
FCS 512 - Medical Nutrition Therapy II
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Biochemical and pathophysiological rationale and therapeutic dietary modifications for various disease conditions with an emphasis on integrated supervised experiential learning activities. Prerequisite: B or better in FCS 511
FCS 513 - Cultural Influences in Food and Nutrition
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
This course explores the cultural influence of food and nutrition with particular attention to the impact that food patterns have on nutritional status and health. Prerequisite: Enrollment in MS Nutrition and Dietetics Program or consent of instructor
FCS 514 - Food Security and Food Systems
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Core Curr. EL
Causes and consequences of food insecurity on the health and well-being of individuals and families, as well as the nutritional and political implications these may pose in the local, national and global food systems. Prerequisite: FCS 202 or 303 or enrollment in MS Nutrition and Dietetics Program
FCS 541 - Research Methods
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Introduction to concepts, methods, and strategies for research. Topics include article database search, literature review, the nature of scientific research, research idea conceptualization, formulation of hypotheses and research questions, research proposals, and Institutional Review Board (IRB) requirements. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the MS in Nutrition and Dietetics program, or MA in Nonprofit Leadership program, or consent of instructor.
FCS 550 - Play Therapy
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Play as a therapeutic intervention for children and families, including theories, techniques and strategies, and application of play therapy. Cross-listed with FCS 450. For cross-listed undergraduate/graduate courses, the graduate-level course will have additional academic requirements beyond those of the undergraduate course. Prerequisite: ETE 210 or FCS 342, or equivalent
FCS 585 - Topics in Family & Consumer Sciences
(1-6 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered. Topic stated in current Schedule of Classes. Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing, and consent of instructor.
FCS 586 - Supervised Research in Family and Consumer Sciences
(1-6 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Graduate student research in Family and Consumer Sciences under faculty supervision. May be repeated up to a total of 6 credit hours. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in FCS; consent of instructor.
FCS 595 - Supervised Experiential Learning
(1-3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Professional experiential learning supervised by an approved preceptor for a minimum of 100 contact hours. May be repeated up to a total of 3 credit hours. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in FCS; consent of instructor.
FCS 695 - Supervised Experiential Learning in Food Service Management
(2 hours)
Gen. Ed.
In this course, students will work directly with approved preceptors in the food service setting for a minimum of 200 hours. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Prerequisite: B or better in FCS 508
FCS 696 - Supervised Experiential Learning in Community Dietetics
(2 hours)
Gen. Ed.
In this course, students will work directly with approved preceptors in the community setting for a minimum of 200 hours. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Prerequisite: B or better in FCS 501
FCS 697 - Supervised Experiential Learning in Clinical Dietetics
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed.
In this course, students will work directly with approved preceptors in the clinical setting for a minimum of 300 hours. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Prerequisite: B or better in FCS 507, B or better in FCS 511, B or better in FCS 512
FCS 699 - Thesis Research
(0-6 hours)
Gen. Ed.
Design and conduct a nutrition/wellness themed-research project. May be repeated for a maximum of six semester hours. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the DI-MS program or consent of program director; FCS 641
The Bradley Core Curriculum exposes all students to the requisite range of knowledge, skills and perspectives that prepares them for further learning and guides them on the path of continued growth to facilitate their success and fulfillment in a changing, complex world. In essence, the Bradley Core Curriculum lays the foundation for a lifetime of intellectual development.
More specifically, the Bradley Core Curriculum advances Lydia Moss Bradley’s intent that the university “furnish its students with the means of living an independent, industrious and useful life,” by equipping them with a common set of attributes, understandings and tools to:
Core Learning Outcomes
The Bradley Core Curriculum was designed to help students achieve specific Core Learning Outcomes that span all aspects of the program.
Core Values
The Bradley Core Curriculum is grounded in a set of fundamental perspectives, Core Values, that lie at the heart of the university's scholarly enterprise.
Bradley’s public health education degree gives you health knowledge to be a versatile educator and advocate for healthy lifestyles in public settings.
The public health education program builds your knowledge of wellness, disease prevention and healthy lifestyles applicable to public settings. In addition to science-focused major courses, you’ll be required to minor in sociology or health to gain new perspectives on culture and health. The program also includes time you can pursue a second minor or topic of your choice.
Bradley’s public health education program successfully prepares you to enter the workforce or continue your education. In recent years, almost all students found jobs or continued their education within six months of graduate school. They’re working for corporate wellness programs, local and state health departments, the American Red Cross and the YMCA.
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Bradley and Peoria share much in common — a diverse population, world-class research facilities, outstanding fine arts and entertainment, and a great sense of community. This bond provides our students with unique opportunities for internships, class projects and research.
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