Intellectual and Cultural Activities Committee

The mission of Intellectual and Cultural Activities Committee (ICAC) is to fund lectures, exhibitions, performances and other events that enrich campus life through the presentation of ideas and cultural experiences. ICAC accepts funding proposals from all academic and administrative units on campus.

Proposal Submission Dates

  • Proposals for the current academic year (Fall and Spring) should be emailed to the ICAC Chair by September 5.
  • Proposals for Spring of the current academic year or the next academic year should be emailed to the ICAC Chair by February 1.
  • The committee may issue additional calls for proposals as funding allows.
  • The committee will also consider proposals on an ongoing basis as long as funds remain available. Contact the ICAC Chair to submit a proposal outside the usual submission times.

Proposed Events

  • Should contribute to the intellectual and cultural life of the campus;
  • Should appeal to more than just a single department or program;
  • Should be free and open to the campus, and ideally, the public;
  • Should be held on Bradley’s campus;
  • Should be scheduled so as to allow the largest possible number of students to attend (not, for instance, during academic recesses, weekends, or peak class hours);
  • Should not simply provide instruction to students in a single department or program;
  • Should not be primarily for the purpose of advancing faculty research or creative projects;
  • Should not be primarily for the purposes of entertainment or self-help (motivational speakers).

ICAC funds a diverse range of events, from visits by local authors, businesspeople, and artists (costing a few hundred dollars to organize), to “big name” speakers such as Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Senator George McGovern (costing $10,000 or more). The committee does not fund events that have already taken place. Note: ICAC is rarely able to fully fund events of more than $3,500.

Allowable Expenses

ICAC typically funds the types of expenses listed below. If your expenses include items not listed here, please check with the ICAC Chair.

  • Fees and honoraria for speakers, performers, exhibits, and films
  • Travel/transportation costs for bringing events to campus
  • Publicity for the event
  • Modest food costs associated with the event. If the organizer hosts a meal for the speaker/performer, ICAC may fund up to 6 people at a cost not exceeding $35 per person. No alcohol will be funded.
  • Bradley Reimbursement Policies

Proposals of 1-3 pages should include the following information

  • Names(s) of sponsoring department(s) or unit (s);
  • Details of the proposed activity (names and backgrounds of invited speakers or artists; specific activities, such as lectures, classroom visits, Q & As with students, workshops, performances, exhibitions, etc.);
  • Intended audience (Please designate the student populations you will reach. Be as specific as possible. Will the event be required by any faculty? Will any particular departments promote it or integrate it into their curriculum?)
  • Itemized budget (ICAC typically covers such expenses as speaker honorarium, hotel, transportation and meals. If you will be drawing on other funding sources as well, please provide details of that cost-sharing.)
  • Proposed date(s) and location of the event (For large events, please check room availability before submitting your proposal, as there are a limited number of large venues on campus.)

Contact Us

Contact the ICAC Chair, Jackie Hogan at (TEL 677-2402) with any questions. All proposals should be emailed to