5.07 Mass Electronic Communications Policy

I. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to clarify who may send email to large groups of Bradley constituents and the circumstances and approvals required. This policy is in support of the Policy on Ethical Use of Information Technology Resources from the Faculty Handbook.

II. Description

Email being sent to groups of students, faculty or staff may only be sent by a person with a specific relationship with the group. For example:

  • A department office or chair may send a mass email to students who are majors and or minors in the department, but may not include students who are not majors or minors.
  • A Dean's office may send mass emails to all students in their college but not to students in other colleges.
  • A University administrator may send mass emails to all employees within their administrative responsibility.
  • A faculty member may send mass emails to students in a class they are teaching.
  • Etc.

For specific clarification:

  • Mass email sent to all students must be approved and originate from the Provost's office, the Vice President for Student Affairs office, or the President's Office.
  • Mass emails sent to all faculty must be approved and originate from the Provost's office or the President's Office.
  • Mass emails sent to all employees must be approved and originate from the Provost's office or the President's Office.

Additionally, when sending a mass email use the BCC (blind copy) for the list of email addresses, This approach protects the privacy of the email addresses of the people on the mass mailings.

III. Scope

This policy applies to all faculty, staff and administrators at Bradley University.

Date Approved      
Dates Revised      
Dates Reviewed