
Bradley University Announces the 13th President

James E. Shadid has been named Bradley University’s 13th president, the university’s Board of Trustees announced today. Read More

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering is the most versatile engineering degree you will find. That’s because it’s important to almost every product or system you encounter. Mechanical engineers use science, technology and problem-solving skills to improve or invent devices and systems that improve people’s quality of life and address challenges such as energy, food, water, transportation, medicine and national defense. The undergraduate degree gives you flexibility to gain a broad background or develop specialized knowledge in energy systems or biomedicine. The graduate degree prepares you for career advancement or a doctoral degree.

The ME degree, also sometimes referred to as the liberal arts degree of the 21st century, is a passport to a broad array of non-engineering jobs, both in and out of the engineering industry. Mechanical engineers’ analytical and problem-solving skills are attractive to employers in IT, consulting and financial services companies. ME graduates also can pursue a law degree, go to medical school after choosing our bioengineering concentration, work in technical publishing or science journalism and of course, pursue an advanced ME degree.

The accredited ME degrees challenge you with projects that allow you to work closely with faculty, classmates and professionals. You can explore the field in the machine shop or labs dedicated to robotics, material science, microprocessors, fluid dynamics, thermal science and design. Learning opportunities will be enhanced by a new business and engineering complex.

Motorsports Club

Bradley's motorsports club gives all engineering majors opportunities to work on four student-designed cars each year. Interested students can gain hands-on experience with the college's eco marathon, Formula SAE, SAE baja and solar cars.