Livestream access begins at 8:45 a.m. for the Foster College of Business, Caterpillar College of Engineering & Technology, College of Education & Health Sciences and Turner School of Entrepreneurship & Innovation undergrad ceremony; 12:45 p.m. for the Slane College of Communications & Fine Arts and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences undergrad ceremony; and 4:45 p.m. for the graduate ceremony.

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Recycling Program

On average, 34 tons of aluminum, plastic, newspaper, and office paper are collected each quarter on campus. A "Green Team" of students retrieves the material from over 50 locations and delivers it to a central campus container. Students, faculty and staff are all part of the "Green Team" when we make an effort to recycle.

Bradley Recycling Quarterly Reports

Single stream recycling (aluminum, plastic, cardboard and paper)

Year 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Ave Qtr
2009 rpt. n/a 6.14 tons 5.78 tons 2.02 tons 4.35 tons
2010 1.32 tons 4.44 tons 2.99 tons 3.82 tons 3.14 tons
2011 4.37 tons 4.79 tons 24.22 tons 23.01 tons 14.10 tons
2012 25.64 tons 25.51 tons 29.09 tons 28.97 tons 27.30 tons
2013 27.59 tons 28.51 tons 29.75 tons 27.46 tons 28.33 tons
2014 29.90 tons 29.39 tons 33.87 tons 35.35 tons 32.13 tons
2015 37.46 tons 39.10 tons 36.93 tons 34.01 tons 36.88 tons
2015 37.46 tons 39.10 tons 36.93 tons 34.01 tons 36.88 tons
2016 34.01 tons 33.80 tons 35.10 tons 32.76 tons 33.92 tons
2017 33.64 tons 34.07 tons 32.57 tons 33.61 tons 33.47 tons
2018 33.88 tons 33.73 tons 34.23 tons 34.00 tons 34.00 tons
2019 32.2 tons 36.23 tons 43.20 tons 37.76 tons 37.35 tons
2020 unavailable unavailable 39.47 tons 38.73 tons unavailable
2021 38.0 tons 14.3 tons 36.14 tons 38.65 tons 31.77 tons
2022 37.5 tons 37.9 tons 38.7 tons    

Items Recycled

  • Batteries
  • Lamps/lights
  • Ballasts/capacitors
  • E-waste