Study Groups
If you're like many OLLI members, you want to learn more about the things that interest you. That's what Study Groups offer: the opportunity to investigate a topic in depth with like-minded peers. You may work independently outside the group, you may lead the group or anything in between. Study Groups are your connection to studying the things you enjoy with people who share your enthusiasm.
Study Groups meet at Bradley and at several satellite locations throughout the community, categorized by the anticipated level of member participation as described below. These groupings are general guidelines, however, and could change depending upon facilitator needs.
- Discussion-based: participants may be asked to read material and participate in whole group discussions.
- Participation-based: participants may be asked to read material, participate in small group breakouts/discussions, do research and/or make brief oral reports.
- Practice-based: participants may be asked to learn a skill set and engage in practice between sessions.
Groups start at various times throughout the month, and usually meet for 1.5 to 2 hours for 4 – 6 weeks. Seats are often limited to 15 – 25 participants so everyone has an opportunity to actively participate.
Seasonal Dates
Please check the OLLI brochure for the most up-to-date information on study groups available.
Cancellation Policy
OLLI’s cancellation policy was designed to encourage our members to carefully consider their personal availability for each event. This thoughtful scheduling will allow your peers who wish to participate have a chance to do so.
- $10 minimum cancellation fee
- If you cancel 7 days before start of group, remainder of fee refunded ($35)
- If you cancel less than 7 days before start of group, entire fee forfeited
Extenuating circumstances will be handled on a case-bycase basis.
Committee Information
OLLI encourages member input and participation on any of its committees to help reach their goals. The Executive Board appoints a chair to head the committee; the chair reports to the board and attends all executive meetings. The chair may assume or delegate the responsibilities of the committee for a particular session. The curriculum and study groups chairs also work with the Bradley University liaison to develop balance for their respective areas.
OLLI Study Group Committee members review study group suggestions, make their own study group suggestions, select study groups, contact potential facilitators and secure facilitating commitments from volunteer facilitators. The Study Group Committee meets eight times throughout the year, two times for each season of OLLI.

Roberta Koscielski
Study Group Co-Chair

Rob Parks
Study Group Co-Chair