
Bradley University Announces the 13th President

James E. Shadid has been named Bradley University’s 13th president, the university’s Board of Trustees announced today. Read More

Master of Science Biochemistry

The M.S. in biochemistry is a 31 credit-hour program that enhances your skills for a career or doctoral studies.

Taking Your Future Forward

How does Bradley’s biochemistry program work for you? As a Bradley graduate student, you’ll be able to choose between a traditional two-year M.S. program and a five-year integrated B.S./M.S. degree. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to round out your experience and research skills through courses outside the department.

Graduate Admission Requirements

Learn more about graduate admission standards and application requirements on our Requirements page.

Program Admission Requirements

  • Undergraduate degree with a major in chemistry, biochemistry, or a related field with one year of college-level calculus and physics
  • A cumulative GPA of 2.75 in undergraduate chemistry courses and a C or better in each of the following courses and their accompanying labs:
    • General chemistry
    • Organic chemistry (two semesters)
    • Analytical chemistry (one semester)

Graduate Program Requirements

You must complete a total of 31 semester hours, including the required courses listed below. The department's graduate coordinator will review the transcript of each graduate student to ensure that students do not repeat courses that they have already completed (C or better) at the undergraduate level.

Required Courses.

  • CHM 520: Instrumental Analysis - 4 hrs or CHM 536: Inorganic Chemistry - 3 hrs.
  • CHM 524: Fundamentals of Separation Science - 3 hrs.
  • CHM 562: Protein Structure and Function - 3 hrs.
  • CHM 566: Intermediary Metabolism - 3 hrs.
  • CHM 570: Physical Chemistry I - 3 hrs.
  • CHM 580: Literature Seminar in Chemistry and Biochemistry- 1 hr.
  • CHM 697: Research - 10 total hrs.
  • CHM 699: Thesis - 1 hr.

Elective Courses - The remainder of the 31 required hours must be met by elective courses with no less than half of those credits coming from the biochemistry list below. Any remaining electives can be 500-level Chemistry courses (CHM) or up to six graduate credit hours from cognate fields. Cognate courses must be approved, prior to enrollment, by the thesis advisor, department chair, and graduate coordinator.

  • CHM 564: Biochemical Literature - 1-2 hrs.
  • CHM 568: Topics in Biochemistry - 1-3 hrs.
  • BIO 509: Human Genetics - 3 hrs.
  • BIO 564: Advanced Cell Biology - 3 hrs.
  • BIO 568: Cell and Molecular Immunology -3-4 hrs.